The Membership Survey Shows Very Nice Progress
Since 2017, the members have become more satisfied with and more loyal to the Teachers' Union for Danish Independent Schools. This is what the new membership satisfaction survey shows, which Jan Merrild Hansen presented to the general council and the deputy chairmen of the departments on Wednesday April 11th.
Ennova surveys satisfaction and loyalty in membership organisations and unions like for instance the Danish unions HK, BUPL, Dansk Socialrådgiverforening, Dansk Metal, Yngre Læger and many others. It is the third time that the company surveys the Teachers' Union for Danish Independent Schools, and even if both satisfaction and loyalty got high ratings in the 2017 survey, I would say they got at tad more this time.
The union can be proud of the result, Jan Merrild Hansen says, who is account manager at Ennova.
“This really is a very good result. Very good and unusual. We hardly ever see this much progress in a union that already has high scores on many parameters”, he says.
More Trust
Member satisfaction increased by eight points, and now scores 76. At the same time, loyalty increased (“I would recommend the Teachers' Union for Danish Independent Schools, if relevant”) by four points, and now scores 79.
The scale goes from zero to 100, and Ennova uses a rule of thumb which states that if the score is below 60, there is a problem with service; if the scores is between 60 and 70, it is OK; between 70 and 80 is very good; and above 80 is outstanding.
The union’s scores improved in a number of other areas as well. Among other things, the union's score on trust increased by eight points to 85.
The Knowledge Will Be Used Strategically
The union will use the surveys as strategic tools, the chairman Uffe Rostrup says:
“The surveys pinpoint what the members believe and think about the union, and we will use the results to set the direction for the selection of the areas that the union should develop so that we can remain the union that the members want.”
Based on the survey, the general council will therefore, later this spring, discuss and decide on a development strategy for the coming years.
And the survey points out a number of areas that it would be profitable for the union to be focus on: benefits and representation of interests.
As regards benefits – which concern the degree to which the membership gives the members value for money – the Teachers' Union for Danish Independent Schools scores 64. That is a decrease by one point since 2017 – in fact, the only decrease in the survey and the second lowest score in the survey.
The other point that Ennova recommends that the general council focuses on is representation of interests. This covers the union's ability to enter into agreements, influence political processes and safeguard the members’ salary and working conditions. Here, the union scores 69. The number is six points above the average for the unions and membership organisations that Ennova has surveyed, but it is one of the lowest scores for the Teachers' Union for Danish Independent Schools, and at the same time an area that is very important to the members. Therefore, this calls for the general council to develop new initiatives in this area.
The chairman of the union Uffe Rostrup is pleased with the result of the survey:
“Since 2015, we have worked actively with the feedback we get from the members in these surveys, and the survey shows that we make some right choices, which the members appreciate and notice. However,” the chairman continues, “it also shows that there are important areas in which we can perform better, and in the near future we will consider what to do to improve in these areas.”
The Union’s Crown Jewel
Consultancy is the crown jewel of the Teachers' Union for Danish Independent Schools. Partly because the union scores extremely high on consultancy, and partly because consultancy means a lot in connection with the members’ total satisfaction with and loyalty to the union.
There are two areas of consultancy: the consultants’ professional competences as well as their friendliness and responsiveness. And as regards professional competences, the Teachers' Union for Danish Independent Schools equals Ennova’s highest score of 85, while the consultants set a new standard for friendliness and responsiveness. Now everybody else has to aim for the score 89. Previously, the highest score on friendliness and responsiveness was 85. This score also belonged to the Teachers' Union for Danish Independent Schools.
See Selected Results from the Survey
Compared to the union’s membership satisfaction survey in 2017 and the average score of the other membership organisations. The scale is from 0 to 100.
“Based on your total experience with the Teachers' Union for Danish Independent Schools, how satisfied are you, all things considered?”
Result in 2019: 76 points
Result in 2017: 68 points
Ennova average: 68 points
“I will recommend the Teachers' Union for Danish Independent Schools, if relevant.”
Result in 2019: 79 points
Result in 2017: 75 points
Ennova average: 74 points
“The consultancy from the Teachers' Union for Danish Independent Schools is generally speaking professionally competent.”
Result in 2019: 85 points
Result in 2017: 80 points
Ennova average: 77
“The consultants from the Teachers' Union for Danish Independent Schools are generally friendly and responsive.”
Result in 2019: 89 points
Result in 2017: 85 points
Ennova average: 81
“The Teachers' Union for Danish Independent Schools works actively with the challenges that the members experience in their work life.”
Result in 2019: 78 points
Result in 2017: 76 points
There is no Ennova average for this question.
“The Teachers' Union for Danish Independent Schools safeguards good salary and employment conditions for the members through collective agreements and local agreements.”
Result in 2019: 69 points
Result in 2017: 69 points
There is no Ennova average for this question.
“The Teachers' Union for Danish Independent Schools has political influence in the areas that are important to the independent schools.”
Result in 2019: 66 points
There is no Ennova average for this question, and it was not part of the 2017 survey.
“The Teachers' Union for Danish Independent Schools has political influence in the areas that are important to the teachers.”
Result in 2019: 63 points
There is no Ennova average for this question, and it was not part of the 2017 survey.
“The Teachers' Union for Danish Independent Schools contributes with knowledge and opinions in public discussions.”
Result in 2019: 67 points
There is no Ennova average for this question, and it was not part of the 2017 survey.