OK21: Here is the content of the collective agreement
Agreement about working hours
An agreement about working hours for teachers employed by the state is included in the CFU collective agreement which was signed on January 2nd this year. Thus, the agreement about working hours is part of the complete agreement for which there will be a membership ballot.
The agreement about working hours will be implemented as of August 1st 2022, but it will become effective from January 1st 2022 so that the requirements in the agreement for cooperation and planning at the schools can be implemented during the planning of the school year 2022/2023. Read more about the agreement about working hours
The general salary increases will amount to 4.42%. In addition, the agreement includes an expected rest increase of 1.5% which should, for example, be obtained at the local salary negotiations. Finally, it has been estimated that another 0.63% will be obtained from the regulation mechanism, while 0.20% will be been allocated for other purposes. This adds up to a total of 6.75%.
A new senior bonus has been agreed on, which means that employees – as of the calendar year in which they turn 62 – will get the right to an annual senior bonus of 0.8% of their salaries. The employee decides whether the senior bonus should be paid in the form of two additional days off or as an extraordinary pension contribution. The new senior bonus will become effective as of April 1st 2022 and is an addition to the existing possibility for reduced working hours with full pension payment.
Regulation percentage
The regulation mechanism remains unchanged. This means that if the salaries in the private sector increase by one more Danish kroner compared to the salaries in the state sector, the salaries in the state sector will be regulated up by 0.8 Danish kroner. If the salaries in the state sector increase by one more Danish kroner compare to the salaries in the private sector, the salaries in the state sector will be regulated down by 0.8 Danish kroner.
New salary
The parties agreed to discuss, during the collective-agreement period, how “new salary” as a system can be developed and improved at the workplaces in the state sector. During the project period, the parties will collect data and experiences about the local salary development, and they will discuss how to improve the system.
Furthermore, the agreement establishes that the school must deliver relevant salary information before the annual local salary negotiations. The salary information of the individual employee may include, for instance, employment time, placement on the salary scale as well as locally agreed supplements.
Bereavement leave
Both parents get the right to paid bereavement leave for up to 26 weeks if their child dies before the child has turned 18 years. The possibility for leave with salary for both parents also applies when a child is given up for adoption. In this case, however, the leave will be shorter.
Continued focus on competency development
In the OK21 agreement. the Danish Agency for Competence Development in the State Sector continues within the same financial framework as in the most recent collective agreement. This means that up until 2024, approx. 170 million Danish kroner have been allocated for individual competency development of employees who are employed in the state sector. The Agency for Competence Development in the State Sector (“Kompetencesekretariatet”) remains responsible for managing the funding as well as for consultancy regarding the competency development of employees at independent schools and other schools.
Group life insurance – the age limit for the sum insured for children will increase to 24 years
As a teacher or a leader of preschool classes at an independent school, you are covered by a group life insurance from the Danish insurance company “Forenede Gruppeliv”. The insurance covers deaths and critical illnesses, and the OK21 agreement improves the coverage in case of death. If you die, your children below 24 years of age will receive 30,000 Danish kroner, which is the sum insured for children. The age limit used to be 21 years. In addition, the OK21 agreement clarifies how the employer is obligated to inform the employees about the group life insurance.