Due to the coronavirus-related cancellations, members worry about their working time
At the moment, many members are contacting the Main Office because they fear that the school year will resemble a Tour de France stage ending on Alpe D’Huez. Due to the coronavirus, school camps, parent-teacher conferences, musicals, feature weeks, etc., have been cancelled, and the cancelled tasks and hours are being pushed ahead and are piling up.
According to law 409, the school management has the right to reschedule working hours until the summer holidays, and after Christmas, this may result in a heavy workload for you and your colleagues.
Laws and regulations still apply
However, there is a limit to how many working hours you can perform during a short period of time. Even though the school management has the right to plan the performance of the cancelled hours in the near future, this does not mean that the teachers must be available on a 24-hour basis. The regulations concerning hours of rest still apply, which means that the 11-hour rule and the rules concerning days off must still be observed.
“The coronavirus does not cancel out the regulations concerning working time and working environment”, says chairman Uffe Rostrup.
He encourages you, as a teacher, to engage in a dialogue with your leader, and that the two of you consider how to plan the rest of your school year in a reasonable manner.
If you have any questions regarding the planning of or the changes to your working time, please ask your union representative as she/he knows the local conditions and agreements. If you do not have a union representative or if you would rather ask the Main Office, please send an e-mail to arbejdstid@fsl.dk or call the Main Office on +45 87 46 91 10. We will do all we can to help you.