Membership fee

The monthly fee for membership in FSL depends on your circumstances and entails an annual tax deduction of up to DKK 6.000

The membership fee is different if you, for example, work less than half time or work at a German school.

Here you find the fee quotas that apply for the most common situations you might find yourself in prior to joining FSL. 

Member type
Monthly fee
Full time member
50 percent working hours or less

If you have just graduated or are starting your first job as a teacher the membership of FSL is free of charge the first three months of employment. Besides you will get full benefit of your membership from day one, if you join FSL within the first three months of employment. 


If you have questions, you can call at 87 46 91 10 or write an email, after which you will be contacted by a consultant.

Send your question

Become a member

Being a member of FSL not only gives you leverage, security and other benefits, you join a community based on solidarity.